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Choose Your Own Path...
...wherever it may lead you. When you follow your passion, you’re following the things that make your life rich and your heart full. And no one can help you champion your passions like ODU. In fact, our entire campus is set up to make it easy to do what you love. Seriously. Take a look around. Choose a path. And grab your shades. You’re in the driver’s seat.
Social Path | Spiritual Path | Tradition Path

Learning Spaces
From the labs to the library, ODU is filled with extraordinary places that will spark your interests, ignite your curiosity, and help you give your passion real purpose.
Our Faculty Favorites
Science & Cadaver Labs
Tutoring Services
Math & Writing Labs

Active Spaces
Laughing. Running. Eating. Singing. Joking. Whatever you love to do, you and your friends will have all the space you need on our 75-acre campus.
Top Student Picks
Panther Food Court
Alum Creek Trail
Fitness Center

Personal Spaces
Occasionally, you’ll need down time. When you do, you’ll be able to find some quiet corners to reflect, read, or spend time on your favorite hobby. And don’t forget – you’ll always have your cozy bed to fall into.
Best Spots for Thinking
Meditation Room in the Griff
Benches on the Oval
Christ the King Chapel
Get to know your community!
These are a few of the Student Ambassadors for Ohio Dominican University that you will be hearing from as you explore various spots on campus. Meet Braxton, Patrina, and Plaxcie!
Braxton Downs
- Hometown: Louisville, KY
- Sophomore
- Biology Major
Patrina Sellu
- Hometown: Sierra Leone
- Sophomore
- Biology Major
Plaxcie Murawo
- Hometown: Harare
- Junior
- Biology Major
Ready. Set. Explore!
Click on the paw stops listed below each map for more info and to take a tour with our student ambassadors!
Social Path
Griffin Student Center
(Ping-Pong, Starbucks, Bookstore and more)
Alumni Hall
(Home of ODU's Gymnasium and Fitness Center)
Griffin Student Center
On the upper level, we have our international office. The international office serves as the main resource for international students and for Ohio Dominican students interested in studying abroad. If you are interested in studying abroad, ODU offers different opportunities for students to study and travel around the world. Students have gone to many countries like South Korea, Italy, Spain, and China.
Over here is the Wellness Center. We have a Physician Assistant on staff 4 days a week. They can prescribe medicine and you can go pick it up at our local pharmacy. We have free unlimited counseling services 4 days a week. The wellness center also does workshops throughout the year on how to relieve stress and offers free flu shots.
We have at least 1 computer lab in each building on campus. Each student gets $25 to print each semester. You can always top it off if it runs off. Most of our professors use an online platform to post assignments and homework called PantherLearn, so it is a great resource to have throughout campus.
This is our Center for Student Involvement and Office of Multicultural Affairs. This is where you come to get involved here at ODU. We have a diverse variety of student organizations that you can join. For example, we have student senate, which is the student government on campus. PAC, Panther Activity Council, which plans activities like homecoming and little sibs weekend. And our theater organization, Panther Players. They also host welcome week at the beginning of each semester and plan a fun activity for each day of the week. At the end of the week, they take students off campus to do something fun like a Clippers game or ice skating at Easton. Our Office of Multicultural Affairs is responsible for social and cultural events on campus. They work with students to help everyone understand what diversity is and how they can get involved with these diverse student groups we have here at ODU. They refer to themselves as the hub of culture and identity exploration. Example of some events they put on are Black History Month events, multicultural meet ups, and hot chocolate and hot topics.
Alumni Hall
Alumni Hall is home to our Men & Women’s Basketball teams as well as our Volleyball team. The upstairs also hosts our coach’s offices for 14 of our 16 NCAA Division II sports teams. What is so unique about this space is that you start your journey with convocation in Alumni Hall and end your ODU journey here in the gym with our commencement ceremony.
Other features of Alumni hall include our community room where different meetings and learning opportunities are held throughout the school year as well as our fitness center where all current students receive a free membership, so they can work out – don’t worry about it being overcrowded, though, our student-athletes have their own space to work out and train in!
Panther Stadium
Panther Stadium is home to 3 of our 16 NCAA Division II teams. As an ODU student, you receive free tickets to any home sporting event so make sure you come out to cheer on the Panthers!
If you’re looking to continue your competitive spirit but don’t want to commit to college athletics, try checking out our intramural sports. Our most popular are sand volleyball, basketball, and ultimate frisbee.
Don’t have the team you’re looking for? That’s okay, just grab some friends and start your own!
Residence Halls
Here at Ohio Dominican, we have four different residence halls. Sansbury Hall is a hall that houses sophomore through seniors in single style rooms and the wings are separated by gender with communal bathrooms. Siena and Aquinas Hall are our sister dorms on campus, meaning they look identical. They consist of four-person suites with two bedrooms, a common room, and a bathroom. These halls are co-ed by suite. Our final and newest dorm is Lynam Hall. This four-bedroom, two-bath, and one-common area hall houses juniors and seniors. All rooms are equipped with a dresser, desk, closet, bed, and common area furniture. The residence halls provide free laundry, cable, internet, and central air. Each floor has at least two Resident Assistants that are responsible for community building and help students adjust to living at ODU.
Panther Valley
Home to ODU’s baseball and softball teams, Panther Valley acts as a main attraction for spring sports. Located behind the residence halls, students can easily catch a game between classes. Looking to stay active yourself? Behind Panther Valley you will find Alum Creek Trail. The trail offers a space for students to bike, roller-blade, and run within steps of campus. Our birding club often spends time on the trail identifying species native to Ohio. Walk this path and you will easily forget that you are just a short drive from downtown.
Hamilton Hall
Hamilton Hall, also referred to as “Hammy” on campus is one of our four food options here on Ohio Dominicans campus. We offer two meal plan options for our incoming students: 320 swipes/300 panther points or 280 swipes/500 panther points. You will use swipes at Hammy and panther points at our dining options in the Griff or when ordering Donato’s. This traditional dining hall offers a variety of choices, from pizza, to pasta, salad, and dessert – you’re bound to find something you like! Our options rotate three times a day for breakfast lunch and dinner. To honor our international students, we hang a flag from their country of origin once they graduate from ODU!
The Oval
From the beginning of the year to the end, the Oval is where you get to connect with your fellow Panthers. Join us for ODU’s Week of Welcome, filled with ice cream, block parties, and grocery bingo. Sad to be leaving us for the summer? Celebrate with your friends before you leave with ODU Day. Race your friends with one of our inflatable obstacle courses and recover with an ice-cold snow cone. The oval is your go to spot on campus to enjoy the Columbus weather and spend time with your friends.
Spiritual Path
Meditation Room
(A quiet place on the Griff's second floor for students of all faiths)
Christ the King Chapel
(Mass offered several times a week)
Centennial Plaza
(A place to pray, reflect and catch your breath)
Reflection Area
(Great spot to relax)
Center for Dominican Studies
(Explore the Dominican Tradition)
St. Catherine of Siena Statue
(Site of our founding congregation's former Motherhouse)
Meditation Room
The Meditation Room allows students of all faiths to reflect in a space separate from Christ the King Chapel. ODU is committed to helping students honor their religious affiliations and providing opportunities to share those beliefs with others from our campus community. Don’t know where to start? Join one of our interfaith prayer services as we unite and compare ideologies.
Christ the King Chapel
This is our Christ the King Chapel. It is housed inside Sansbury Hall on the first floor. It is where we hold our mass daily and on Sundays mass is held at 7 p.m. No one is required to attend mass but everyone is welcome. It is not mandatory. As a matter of fact, ODU accepts students from all faiths and supports students in exploring their spiritual beliefs. Only about 40% of our population is Catholic, but 60% is not. Campus ministry hosts interfaith prayer services weekly on campus that everyone is welcome to attend. We also have a Chaplain that is the director of campus ministry. Campus ministry offers students the opportunity to attend a mission trip annually during Spring Break to places like Haiti and Appalachia.
Centennial Plaza
Reflection Area
This secluded reflection area can be found outside the second floor of the library, which is actually a floor lower than the main floor of the library. This is a great place to read, study and relax between classes.
Center for Dominican Studies
This is the Center for Dominican Studies. Ohio Dominican University is founded in the Dominican tradition of the Catholic faith. Each year, ODU explores one of the themes of the core curriculum through classroom discussions, public lectures, and common readings. This year’s theme is justice. The ODU community has pledged to complete 10,000 service hours by the end of the year in support of our theme. Fr. Dan’s office is located in the Center for Dominican Studies. He is our campus chaplain.
St. Catherine of Siena Statue
This statue of St. Catherine of Siena can be found between Hamilton Dining Hall and ODU’s library. Canonized in 1461, St. Catherine preached a message of peace, forgiveness and hope. One of her most famous quotes is “Be who God meant you to be, and you will set the world on fire.” Ohio Dominican celebrates St. Catherine with a special lecture around her feast day every April.
Tradition Path
History Wall
(Celebrating ODU's first century)
St. Dominic Statue
(Perfect photo-op on graduation day!)
Wehrle Hall
(Oldest building on campus)
St. Mary of the Springs Academy Statue
(Paying homage to our past)
Historical Marker
(ODU's history in 60 seconds)
Matesich Theatre
(ODU's newly refurbished performing arts venue in Erskine Hall)
Sansbury Hall
(Keep an eye out for Sr. Sans, ODU's friendly ghost!)
History Wall (Celebrating ODU's first century)
If you are interested in learning about Ohio Dominican’s history, the History Wall is a great place to start. Located in the Griffin Student Center, this wall was created to celebrate ODU’s 100-year anniversary, and it includes dozens of photos and articles that help explain ODU’s evolution since its founding in 1911 by the Dominican Sisters of Peace.
St. Dominic Statue (Perfect photo-op on graduation day!)
St. Dominic, the founder of the Dominican order, believed in peace and unity. His presence in the heart of campus signifies our commitment to continuing his work by uniting our ODU and surrounding communities. He wrote “arm yourself with a prayer rather than a sword. Wear humility rather than fine clothes.” Whether it’s your first visit to campus or your graduation day, the St. Dominic Statue is the perfect space to photograph your place in our community.
Wehrle Hall
St. Mary of the Springs Academy Statue
When the Sisters of St. Mary of the Springs – now known as the Dominican Sisters of Peace – founded ODU in 1911, it wasn’t a university at all. In fact, ODU was originally an academy that taught Catholic school girls. Located between Wehrle Hall and the library, this statue pays tribute to this very early and important part of Ohio Dominican’s history.
Historical Marker
If you’re looking for a snapshot of Ohio Dominican’s 100-plus-year history, this historical marker is a great place to start. It is located outside the main doors to Erskine Hall, ODU’s main academic building that was built in 1929.
Matesich Theatre
Over here is our theater room called Matesich Theatre. Built in 1929 and it’s looked the same ever since. It recently went through major renovations thanks to a grant from Huntington Bank for $75,000. We have a student run theater organization, called Panther Players, that puts on a Fall play and a Spring Musical. Our concert band and choir perform in here. We also enjoy listening to guest speakers in this room. You will never have a class in here.
Sansbury Hall
Sansbury Hall not only serves as a residence hall, it also contains most of our professor’s offices, Christ the King Chapel, and the Colonial room. Although you do not have to be Catholic to attended Ohio Dominican, there is daily mass as well as weekend mass services held. If you are not Catholic, Ohio Dominican hosts interfaith services and campus ministry will help you to connect with neighboring communities of your chosen faith! Campus ministry also hosts different service projects throughout the year, mission trips during spring break, as well as other activities to become more involved. In the Colonial room you can often find professors sharing presentations with the Ohio Dominican community, even better, some professors even give extra credit for attending!
Like what you see? Just wait until you meet the Panther family!
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