Title IV Authorization
How to Submit Title IV Authorization
If you have received or will receive Federal Title IV financial aid, Ohio Dominican University is required to have you complete an authorization form.
Federal Title IV financial aid includes, but is not limited to, Direct Loans, Supplemental
Education Opportunity Grants and PELL Grants.
To give Ohio Dominican University Title IV (Title 4) authorization, complete and submit
the form using the button below.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the purpose of the Title IV Authorization form?
Ohio Dominican University, in compliance with federal Department of Education regulations,
must obtain the voluntary permission from the student to apply federal financial aid
proceeds to pay for charges related to a prior term, future term or charges other
that tuition, fees, and room/board on the student's account.
Will signing the Authorization Form help me?
Yes, by signing the Title IV (Title 4) form, any excess financial aid will be permitted
to be applied to prior, future or certain miscellaneous charges on your student account.
Importantly, this will help prevent a 'hold' on your account for unpaid charges, which
would block you from registering for future semesters and/or obtaining transcripts
or diplomas.
If I do not sign the form will my financial aid be delayed?
No. However, you are responsible for making payment to cover any unpaid charges, and
that payment must be paid by the applicable deadline date.
What types of financial aid does the Title IV Authorization pertain to?
This authorization pertains to Stafford, and Parent PLUS loans, Pell Grants, and SEOG.
It does not include scholarships or university aid.
Does the form need to be signed each semester?
No, the Title IV (Title 4) authorization form remains in effect while you are a student
at Ohio Dominican University (including breaks in enrollment). It may be rescinded
at any time.
Who do I contact if I have more questions?
Contact the Business Office (614) 251-4550 or busoffice@ohiodominican.edu.